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Extract Youtube And Vimeo Video ID From Link

Sometimes we’re having problem to get video id from link to embed video in iframe, but however we find out temporary solutions but after few weeks we forget that function or method.

There’re 2 main video sites youtube and vimeo and now we’ve functions for both youtube and vimeo.

you just have to pass video link in function and it returns video id.

For Youtube :

function parse_youtube($link){
		$regexstr = '~
			# Match Youtube link and embed code
			(?:				 				# Group to match embed codes
				(?:<iframe [^>]*src=")?	 	# If iframe match up to first quote of src
				|(?:				 		# Group to match if older embed
					(?:<object .*>)?		# Match opening Object tag
					(?:<param .*</param>)*  # Match all param tags
					(?:<embed [^>]*src=")?  # Match embed tag to the first quote of src
				)?				 			# End older embed code group
			)?				 				# End embed code groups
			(?:				 				# Group youtube url
				https?:\/\/		         	# Either http or https
				(?:[\w]+\.)*		        # Optional subdomains
				(?:               	        # Group host alternatives.
				youtu\.be/      	        # Either,
				| youtube\.com		 		# or 
				| youtube-nocookie\.com	 	# or
				)				 			# End Host Group
				(?:\S*[^\w\-\s])?       	# Extra stuff up to VIDEO_ID
				([\w\-]{11})		        # $1: VIDEO_ID is numeric
				[^\s]*			 			# Not a space
			)				 				# End group
			"?				 				# Match end quote if part of src
			(?:[^>]*>)?			 			# Match any extra stuff up to close brace
			(?:				 				# Group to match last embed code
				</iframe>		         	# Match the end of the iframe	
				|</embed></object>	        # or Match the end of the older embed
			)?				 				# End Group of last bit of embed code
		preg_match($regexstr, $link, $matches);
		return $matches[1];

For Vimeo :

function parse_vimeo($link){
		$regexstr = '~
			# Match Vimeo link and embed code
			(?:<iframe [^>]*src=")?		# If iframe match up to first quote of src
			(?:							# Group vimeo url
				https?:\/\/				# Either http or https
				(?:[\w]+\.)*			# Optional subdomains
				vimeo\.com				# Match
				(?:[\/\w]*\/videos?)?	# Optional video sub directory this handles groups links also
				\/						# Slash before Id
				([0-9]+)				# $1: VIDEO_ID is numeric
				[^\s]*					# Not a space
			)							# End group
			"?							# Match end quote if part of src
			(?:[^>]*></iframe>)?		# Match the end of the iframe
			(?:<p>.*</p>)?		        # Match any title information stuff
		preg_match($regexstr, $link, $matches);
		return $matches[1];

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